Casino games are recreational activities that are strictly governed by rules and policies. Players are required to honor the rules that govern these games to allow fairness and equal advantage among each player. Like following casino games rules, you should also follow five basic rules while playing in the casino. Therefore, here are the five rules you should strictly adhere to when playing in a casino.

Rule No.1 Play only the games that you know or have played before

Betting money on games that you don't know with rules that you are not aware of is very risky, no to mention foolish. The money you have lost may not even justify the few things you have learned if you did learn anything. Instead, your learning process should be done only at home, because this process is relatively for free.

There are ways to quickly learn casino games outside the casino. One is to take advantage of free games on the internet. This is often a good idea because you can play against a lot of opponents for free, and some even provide basic tutorials for the mechanisms of the game. So think twice before betting your money just because you're curious!

Rule No.2: Play only when not under the influence of alcohol

How many times did a person make foolish decisions under the influence of alcohol? Unfortunately, you are not exempted from this worst-case scenario. Alcohol loosens one's focus and self-control, making the person decide loosely on many things - including betting his or her money. Nothing is worse than waking up with a terrible hangover and an empty wallet. Note, according to the studies, there is a direct relation between alcohol and problem gambling.

Rule No.3: Be strict with your old and newfound money

Even when sober, it is hard to gain control over your money and earnings. Know when to stop playing a particular game and when to leave the casino and call it a night. Do not wait for an empty pocket and an overgrown debt to make you leave the casino.

Rule No.4: Think rationally before you bet that money

A winning streak is a winning streak - until it stops. Most casino players tend to become overconfident on a winning streak, keeping their emotions out of control. So before you bet hat money, make sure that you are thinking with your head, not with your emotions.

Rule No. 5: Never, ever, brag your hard-earned money to anyone else

This rule ensures your overall safety in the casino. Aside from exposing yourself o real danger, braggarts come out as insecure people who are naturally annoying. You do not only lose your money when bragging - you lose your reputation as well.

These rules while playing in either land-based or online casino will ensure that you have a fun, responsible and safe gaming session. Always make sure to adhere to these rules if you want to leave the casino feeling like a winner. Also, do not forget to check out the basic features of top legit casinos which we've gathered for you in one place: